When the evening descends
And night takes over,
When the mask comes off
And reality hits,
I am engulfed by that vortex
Once again.
Swirling endlessly,
It eventually spits me out
Into the land of darkness
Without a single soul in sight
It is here that the fears
Once hidden
Emerge from deep within
The regrets of yesterday
The worries of tomorrow
Reappear as eternal tormentors
The oppressors that formed within
Robbing my peace
Plaguing my soul
Return to torment
An already battered being
Memories resurface
To sting once again
Decisions once made
Hurt once again
Haunting my conscience
Hopes crushed
Vanished wishes
Shatter my soul again
Grinding, pounding until all that remains
Is dust.
Pain never leaves
But rather remains
Ebbing at the back of the mind
When the night ends
I am returned
To the world above
Dreading the next sinking
Terrified that the vortex
Will pull me down again