man in an astronaut costume hitchhiking

Your Beautiful Martian Dream Vacation Is Almost Here

"Humans have been stargazing for centuries, looking up at the sky, wondering what truly lies beyond our home planet. So far, humans have only imagined what travelling into space, landing on other plan­ets, and exploring extra-terrestrial lands would be like. But now, concrete plans to travel to our dear, red celestial neighbor are not only in place but also being implemented."

Read about future exploration plans of the Red Planet now!

Pick a Sci-Fi movie. Done? Chances are, the movie you picked is something about space, maybe even aliens. The world of fiction has been inspired by mankind’s obsession with the stars. Humans have been stargazing for centuries, looking up at the sky, wondering what truly lies beyond our home planet. And when you don’t know the truth, what do you do? You imagine.

Man looking up at the stars in the night sky
Humans have been stargazing for centuries, looking up at the sky, wondering what truly lies beyond our home planet

So far, humans have only imagined what travelling into space, landing on other plan­ets, and exploring extra-terrestrial lands would be like. But now, concrete plans to travel to our dear, red celestial neighbor are not only in place but also being implemented.

Astronaut sitting and working on his laptop
Preparing to go to Mars

Out of all the planets in our solar system, Mars is the most habitable for our species. We Homo sapiens have evolved into intel­ligent yet destructive beings and exploited our planet’s resources. The fact that com­panies and organizations like NASA and SpaceX have several Mars Missions lined up over the next decade should be enough to excite you. But if that sounds too distant, hear this.

In July next year, due to the relative posi­tions of Earth and Mars, it will take less time to travel to the Red Planet. The perfect time for a launch! NASA has a flight scheduled on July 17, 2020. Take-off site – Cape Canav­eral, Florida. Landing site – Jezero Crater, Mars. Sounds odd? Well, this flight is no ordi­nary one. It will carry NASA’s new rover, and will explore Martian astrobiology and gather vital information that will allow humans to understand the planet’s environmental con­ditions and plan future missions. The cherry on the cake is that you can register yourself for this mission and “fly” to Mars with the spacecraft. NASA recently announced that the public can submit their names to them and get a souvenir “boarding pass” for the upcoming flight. Your name will be engraved on a chip that will be fixed on the Mars rover. It is said that names are powerful. Well, send yours to Mars!

Future SpaceX spaceship reaching Mars with colonists
SpaceX plans to establish a Martian base in the coming years

You may have heard of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, otherwise known as the real-life Tony Stark. Musk aims to make humans a multiplanetary species, so that if something happens to the Earth, the hu­man race doesn’t go extinct. SpaceX plans to send their first cargo mission to Mars in 2022 and then a mission in 2024 with both cargo and crew. Musk’s vision is to establish a primary Martian base, “from which we can build a thriving city and eventually a self-sus­taining civilization on Mars”. Of course, a fun field trip to Mars is decades away, but once a human base is established on the planet, it might not be long before you can brag to your friends, “Yeah bro, I just came back from Mars, it was lit.”

A woman on the surface of Mars
A Martian adventure

Although these goals may seem far-fetched right now, rest assured, the human race does not give up. Our generation will watch in awe, glued to the screen as the first human sets foot on Mars. Just wait and watch. Mars, we’re coming.


Junior Editor, Renesa

This article was originally written for and published on Renesa – The Official Media and Publication House of NIT Surat. It was featured in the October 2019 Convocation Edition of Renesa’s official yearbook – “As We Are” with the title “Mars, We’re Coming”.

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Sumant Dangi
Sumant Dangi
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