Gods are not born but made. In the cricket-frenzied nation of India, we make our premier sportsmen, particularly cricketers, into gods. They don’t ask for it. But it happens anyway. Yes, they get the love, the fame, the fortune, the attention, and the acknowledgment. But guess what? This love is fickle. This is a type of love that is showered generously when things are rosy and the players are performing well, i.e., winning. However, for some inexplicable reason, this love miraculously mutates into hate every time these players lose. Their social media accounts are flooded with vile comments, their ears are filled with boos and insults everywhere they go, their effigies or photos are burnt, their families are disgustingly targeted, and in some cases, their houses are literally pelted with stones.

Every time these 11 men step out onto the field, they carry the tremendous burden of expectations of an entire nation on their shoulders (1/7th of the world’s population to be precise). This is no easy task. Ask any professional sportsperson and they will tell you about the pressure they endure to perform; not only for themselves but also for the millions watching and counting on them. You see, millions dream of donning that blue jersey with the word “India” strewn across their chest, standing in the middle of the ground, basking in the echoes of the national anthem reverberating in their ears, and hearing the passionate chants of thousands of fans around them. But, only 11 people get to play.

The rest of them put their faith in these 11 players, trust them to live up to their expectations, and live the life of a cricket star vicariously through these players. The rest of the population, the ones who aren’t in the 15-man squad, connect their souls and emotions to the men on the field, seeing gods in their places. When those gods are defeated, the fans are not just shattered; they feel betrayed. Despite placing all their trust in them, how could these cricketers break it so easily? Couldn’t they have tried harder? Couldn’t they have hit more runs, more sixes, or bowled better deliveries? Couldn’t they have scored faster? Yes, they could have. But the other team is not there to roll over and hand their opposition the trophy. You feel the powerful emotions coursing through your veins? The opposition team’s fans feel that too. They want to see their team win just as bad.
These frenzied fans forget that cricket too is a sport. Like any other sport, you win some; you lose some. Today, take a moment to reflect on the glorious decades of history. Instead of lamenting and releasing explosive anger in the heat of the moment, take a moment to appreciate those players’ efforts. Instead of abusing the player, his family, and his team, take a moment to acknowledge that the player tried his best. Trust me, it’s always easier than it looks. Every time you say, “what a joke, I could play better than that,” remember that there’s a reason that you are in the stands instead of being down there in the middle of the ground.

Instead of criticizing the player’s every mistake, celebrate his achievements. Instead of insulting the player, thank him for playing for the nation. Maybe that way, when the player leaves silently, you are capable of appreciating his contribution to the sport you love.
Maybe that way, instead of an invincible god, you see an incredible human being.
Thank you for sticking around till the end.