Sumant Dangi

Sumant Dangi

Sinking in Oil

black and white photo of girl underwater

"As I walk down the street,
Hoping to meet
The reason for my pain,
I can't help but think
How easily I let myself sink
And whether I am still sane"

What Happens When You’re Made Subhuman Despite Being Innocent?

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines Book Cover

"Can you imagine being punished for a crime that you did not commit? Think of a place where a man’s life is so worthless that he might as well be a filthy pig. Imagine rotting in jail, waiting to die, knowing that despite your innocence, no one will help you."

Read this review of "A Lesson Before Dying", a brilliant novel by Ernest J. Gaines.

When The Saviors Need Saving – Doctors Under Siege

West Bengal Doctors Strike and Protests

"On 10 June 2019, an incident occurred at the Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital (NRSMCH) in West Bengal that has stirred the entire nation. Two junior doctors at the NRS Hospital were brutally assaulted on Monday night by the family members of a patient who died during treatment due to alleged negligence."

Read the article to find out about the doctors' protests in Bengal against the injustice they faced.

Electric Chingam

photo of woman wearing ear warmer and blowing bubble gum

"When Violet Beauregarde put a piece of Wonka’s everlasting chewing gum in her mouth in Char­lie and the Chocolate Factory and enjoyed a 3-course meal in a few minutes of chewing, we watched in awe. Sure, such things look good on silver screens, but one doesn’t really expect such marvels to come to life."

Read this post to learn about a new "electric chewing gum" developed in Japan.

The Baby, Maybe

woman carrying baby at beach during sunset

"Let’s go back to the time when you were just a little baby. In those days, everything fascinated you, the voices around you, mum’s long hair, dad’s bushy moustache, your colorful blocks set, and also Fluffy the teddy bear."

Read about how babies learn and grow through the identification of patterns.

No Knowledge without Assumption of Uniformities – IB TOK Essay

man holding book

My IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay, on the prompt, “Without the assumption of the existence of uniformities there can be no knowledge. Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.”, was submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of International Baccalaureate (IB) from the American School of Paris (ASP), Saint-Cloud, France. I worked…

Free Will – IB English HL World Literature Paper

person in brown coat and black hat standing near white and black floral wall

My World Literature Paper (WLP), titled “Free Will: An exploration of the extent of independence in Gabriel García Márquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold” was submitted for the course “IB English A: Literature Higher Level (HL)”, for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of International Baccalaureate (IB) from the American School of Paris (ASP), Saint-Cloud, France. I…

An Investigation of White Power in Invisible Man – IB Extended Essay

man s hand in shallow focus and grayscale photography

My Extended Essay (EE), titled “An Investigation of White Power in Invisible Man”, was submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of International Baccalaureate (IB) from the American School of Paris (ASP), Saint-Cloud, France. I worked on this extended essay project during my final year at ASP in 12th grade, guided by my English Higher Level…

The Deadly Disease

People approaching in formation

"The security cameras zoomed in to that area. There they were, right there, an insane mob of infected people with stones, sticks, metal rods, jagged pieces of glass, and grenades! How in the world did they manage to get their infected little hands on those explosives?"

Lakshmi Ki Bindi

Indian woman with bindi

"There was a white flash and Lakshmi found her old rags replaced by a beautiful red sari with beautiful designs on it and gorgeous golden jewelry around her neck, on her ears, and in her nose."

This story is an Indian version of Cinderella, drawing inspiration from the original story.