Sumant Dangi

Sumant Dangi

How to prepare for UPSC CSE CSAT 2025

black click pen on white paper

First, watch this video by IRS Officer Dr. Shivin Chaudhary (AIR 297 – UPSC CSE 2022): CSAT is only difficult in your head because others are telling you that it is. After watching this video by Shivin sir, you’ll realize how easy it is to learn the skills, avoid the mistakes that most people are making, and clear CSAT…

UPSC CSE Q/A Session with Sumant

white wooden rectangular table

PRELIMS-SPECIFIC:My UPSC Prelims-Specific Session Video: You can write any Prelims-related questions, doubts, or confusions in the YouTube comment section of the above video. Prelims-Specific Resources: MAINS-SPECIFIC: My UPSC Mains-Specific & Q&A Session Video: Mains-Specific Resources: You can write any Mains-related or general questions, doubts, or confusions in the YouTube comment section of the above video. Also…

Essay 6 – Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence

green leafed tree

Essay 6 – Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence Note: 1309 words – Completed in 1 h 36 minutes (brainstorming + writing) – typed version with minor grammatical edits made (originally handwritten on 8 September, 2024) A terrified tiger leaps through the bushes, hobbling along the forest floor as his hind leg bleeds profusely. He is being…

Essay 5 – Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane

man riding a motorcycle passing by a concrete road

Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane. Note: 1254 words – Completed in 1 h 27 minutes (brainstorming + writing) – typed version with minor grammatical edits made (originally handwritten on 25 August, 2024) As the clock strikes 10 pm, the children climb into bed, their tummies rumbling with hunger. It’s the…

Essay 4 – Not all who wander are lost

silhouette photography of person standing on green grass in front of mountains during golden hour

Not all who wander are lost. Note: 1272 words – Completed in 1 h 45 minutes (brainstorming + writing) – typed version with minor grammatical edits made (originally handwritten on 23 December, 2023) A young boy, only 10 years old, walks around the grand castle, watching in awe as the paintings on the wall speak to him and to each…

Essay 2 – Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic

six men headbust collection

Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. Note: 1284 words – Completed in 1 h 20 minutes (brainstorming + typing) – unedited version Human lives are merely the product of the innumerable decisions we make. These decisions may be made by the individual, or in some cases, by others on their behalf. While the individual-level decisions mostly…

Essay 1 – Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms

teacher asking a question to the class

Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. Note: 1111 words – Completed in 1 h 15 minutes (brainstorming + typing) – unedited version It is rightly said that the future of a country lies in the hands of its youth. The current working age generation and the older generations are often the products of an old education system,…

Review of MisFits and Naman Shrivastava


Naman sir’s emphasis on staying calm and the regular sessions before Prelims helped me maintain my composure and perform well in the 2024 UPSC CSE Prelims. I cleared the 2024 UPSC Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination held on 16 June, 2024 and was fortunate enough to find myself amongst the top 14,627 candidates in India who were selected to write the…

Hoping Against Hope: World Cups and India

Does it hurt? If you are a true Indian cricket fan, the answer is probably yes. Today’s loss feels personal. In our cricket-frenzied nation, every time the selected 11 players walk out onto the field, they carry the tremendous burden of expectations of 1.4 billion people on their shoulders. Their performances affect not only their team, but an entire nation.…

The Boy

selective focus photography of man standing on brown soil facing body of water

The first poem I ever wrote, written during the darkest phase of my life in high school. "The Boy" contains raw, unbridled emotions from that time, and will hit hard to anyone who's experienced a dark, depressing phase in their life.

The Return from One Home to Another

NIT Surat Bhabha Bhavan Hostel Illustration

"17 months. 15 days. And 13 hours. That’s how long I had waited to see these magnificent blue and white gates. Once upon a time, I, along with many other naive souls of SVNIT, wished for long vacations from college, where we could chill at home in monk-like tranquility — no worries, no assignments, and most importantly, no stress."

The protagonist returns to his college after Covid. Will his college be the same? Will he meet his friends again? Or does fate have different plans?

Read the story to find out.

IND vs SL 2021: 5 Biggest Positives for India from the 1st ODI

After a 25-day break that seemed to last forever, Indian fans finally witnessed the Men in Blue return to international cricket in the 1st ODI vs Sri Lanka on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. When the hosts of the island nation finally clashed against the Indian ODI side, they faltered at crucial junctures in the game to allow a comprehensive victory for the Men in Blue.

Nice to Meat You

Nice to Meat You Illustration

"I look back down at the place I was lying just a minute ago, fully awake now thanks to that adrenaline rush. No pillow, no bed. There are just leaves and twigs there. I swerve my head around on both sides, my heart pounding against my chest."

Read this thrilling story about a man who gets lost in college, literally.

The True MMNCT Champion

The True MMNCT Champion Illustration

"Oh, what’s this? One more batsman is striding out, with his shorts still on. I thought they were a man short. Seems like one of their injured players must have been forced to walk out. Tiwari Ji, hand me my glasses. I can’t believe my eyes. What is happening here?"

Read the epic tale of The True MMNCT Champion.

Dear IPL

Dear IPL Cover

"Dear IPL, I know it’s not been long since you left. Just a few days. And yet, it feels like months have passed. Your absence is unsettling and I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt."

The Legend of Kvothe Kingkiller

The-Name of the Wind Book Cover

"I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me." - Kvothe

2021: Forecast

2021 Forecast Design by Aneesha Sengupta

"It’s been a rough year for everyone. Yet, here we are again, ready to give you an idea of what the upcoming year will look like."

With Reporter Sumant Dangi, LIVE from Surat

The Day It All Began

People at the train station

"6:25 am. You glance at your watch for the fifth time this morning and realize that it’s awfully early to be stranded at a noisy railway station. You’ve just gotten off the train with your parents, and for some reason, the 3 suitcases lugging behind you feel like they’ve been stuffed to the brim with bricks. Mom packed an insane amount of luggage, didn’t she? 'Well, it’s only a few more hours, then I’ll be free,' you think to yourself."

The K9 Ghostbusters Initiative

Greyscale photography of person walking between trees

"Let's go back to the summer of 2016. The ghost situation at SVNIT had gotten out of control as the souls of the departed flooded the campus. With no one to resist their dark powers, they established a reign of terror that soon spread its terrifying tentacles over the entire college. Recently, the spirits had taken a particular liking to abducting the living."

Mahendra Singh Dhoni – A Phenomenon

Mahendra Singh Dhoni

"Indian Cricket was going through one of its worst times. India had been knocked out of the 2007 ODI World Cup. By Bangladesh. The country was in turmoil — upset, hurt, furious. It had become a boiling pot of emotions.

The reigns of the new T20 team were handed over to a young lad from Ranchi.

The rest, as they say, is history."

Avada Kedavra? Hell No. Abracadabra

stylish young woman showing focus with cards

"For centuries, mankind has lived in awe of the unexplained — the field of hocus pocus, the world of magic. Magicians were treated as mystic creatures, possessing powers that no other mortals could ever understand, let alone acquire and wield. While some made objects bend, float, or disappear, others played with fire, saws, and bunnies."

Read this article and discover the secrets used by magicians to deceive their audiences!

The One Where Likes and Netflix Save Us All

closeup photo of person holding panasonic remote control in front of turned on smart television watching Netflix

"You will either love this story or absolutely hate it. There's no middle ground.

It's the year 2022. Almost half of February has rolled by. Now, you may be thinking, 'Wait, we made it all the way to next year?' Yes friend, we did. We survived."

All-India Inter-NIT Cricket and Badminton Tournaments 2020

SVNIT Boys Badminton Team Lifting All-India Inter-NIT 2020 Trophy

"SVNIT hosted the All-India Inter-NIT Cricket and Badminton Tournaments from 20-23 February, 2020. The cricket matches took place at various cricket grounds scattered throughout the city of Surat, including the SAC Cricket Ground on the SVNIT campus. Meanwhile, the badminton matches were played in the SAC Badminton Hall on campus."

Read all about these elite Badminton and Cricket Tournaments here!

Derik The Koala Has Lost Everything

photo of burning forest

“It’s the year 2078. My name is Derik. I am the last living koala on this planet, once known as Earth. Why ‘once known’ you ask? Well, it doesn’t really exist anymore, at least most of it."

Your Beautiful Martian Dream Vacation Is Almost Here

man in an astronaut costume hitchhiking

"Humans have been stargazing for centuries, looking up at the sky, wondering what truly lies beyond our home planet. So far, humans have only imagined what travelling into space, landing on other plan­ets, and exploring extra-terrestrial lands would be like. But now, concrete plans to travel to our dear, red celestial neighbor are not only in place but also being implemented."

Read about future exploration plans of the Red Planet now!

Sriharikota, We Have A Problem – We’ve Lost Vikram

Chandrayaan 2 Launch Rocket spewing smoke

"The date is 22 July 2019. It is afternoon at the Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC) in Sriharikota. You look around and you notice something. That something is ISRO’s GSLV MkIII-M1 rocket, ready for a 2nd launch attempt after the initial one was postponed due to a technical snag. The nation holds its breath and counts down along with Mission Control."

Read about India's Chandrayaan 2 Moon Mission and what happened on that fateful day.

Zapata in the Air – When Sci-Fi Comes to Life

Franky Zapata - The Creator of Flyboard

"A man comes up to you and tells you that he is going to fly from France to England on a hoverboard. Would you believe him? Most people would likely dismiss and label such a human as a ‘madman’."

Read this article about a Frenchman who created a real-life hoverboard and flew to England on it!

A Promise

assorted color padlocks locked up in black metal fences

"Sitting here, I wonder
How on Earth I was lucky enough
To find a gem such as you
No words are enough
Yet I will try"

The Flea Epilogue

The Flea - A Poem by John Donne

Note: This poem is a fictional continuation of "The Flea" written by the famous English poet John Donne. I have written this epilogue, which continues the poem from the point of view of the female character. In this poem, read the woman's reply to the protagonist trying to seduce her.